英語1 98年度夏学期期末試験問題 1年理系

[A] 空所を埋めるのに最も適当な語句を選び、記号で答えなさい。

"Belling the cat" was the dangerous task undertaken by an intrepid mouse in a Dutch fairy tale.This man is belling (1)[a.not careful enough / b.much too brave / c.overcautious / d.optimistic] ; he is literally "armed to the teeth" to (2)[a.protect himself from / b.tactfully appease / c.further fuel / d.be overwhelmed by]the wrath of a docile old cat.

An adulterous wife places a blue cloak on her husband(3)[a.whom she has deceived / b.who gas deceived her / c.whom she distrusts / d.who dislikes her].The hood of the cloak restricts his vision , and the wife is (4)[a.raising it slightly / b.patting him on the head / c.pulling it so that he can see better / d.pushing it well down over his eyes].

A procession of blind men is doubtlessly completely lost and is (5)[a.dangerously close to / b.safely away from / c.well aware of / d.anxiously looking for] the edge of a cliff. In the past, blindness was often associated with (6)[a.holiness / b.stupidity / c.profanity / d.wisdom].

[B] 次の文章を読み、以下の問に答えなさい。

Ripples on a pond are examples of broken symmetry. An ideal mathematical plane has a huge amount of symmetry: every part of it is identical to every other part. You can translate the plane through any distance in any direction , rotate it through any angle about any center,reflect it in any mirror line, and it still looks exactly the same. The pattern of circular ripples, in contract, has less symmetry. It is symmetric only with respect to ( A ) about the point of impact of the pebbles,and ( B ) in mirror lines that run through that point. The pebble breaks the symmetry of the plane,in the sense that after the pebble has disturbed the pond, many of its symmetries are lost.But not all , and that's why we see pattern.
However, none of this is surprising, because of the pebble. You would be more surprised--a lot more surprised--if a perfectly flat pond suddenly developed a series of concentric circular ripples without there being any obvious cause. You would imagine that perhaps a fish beneath the surface had disturbed it, or that something had fallen in and you had not seen it because it was moving so fast. So strong is the ingrained assumption that patterns must have evident causes that when in 1958 the Russian chemist B. P. Belousov discovered a chemical reaction that spontaneously formed patterns, apparently out of nothing, his colleagues refused to believe him.


The difference between the B-Z reaction and concentric ripples on the surface of a pond is that wile the ripples (a)____________________ , the chemical reaction Belousov discovered apparently (b)____________________ . Belousov's colleagues didn't trust his experiment because they firmly believed that (c) ____________________ .

(2) 第1段落の( A )( B )のそれぞれに入れるべき単語をしたから選び、記号で答えよ。

a.translations b.reflections c.rotations d.reversals e.oppositions

(3) 与えられた文字で始る単語を下線部に補って、第2段落の最後につづく文を完成させよ。

They didn't bother checking his work : they thought he was so obviously (a)w_________ that checking his work would be a (b)w_________ of time.

[C] 次の文章を読み、以下の問に答えなさい。

Renaissance science was non-revolutionary because it did not thoroughly redefine the sources of knowledge. This meant that the elements of the world map were (1)[a.both empirical and rational / b.entirely empirical and rational / c.not at all empirical or rational / d.not wholly empirical or rational], even by the later sixteenth century. The typical world map title was Cosmographia Universalis--a comprehensive picture of the entire world. This was understood by contemporaries as being derived from all available sources , including still the authorities of the past. The moment had not yet arrived in European thought when either experience or reason could outweigh authority as a source of knowledge. All these forces were held in balance by the Renaissance scholar and mapmaker, and the play of intellect had somehow to (2) harmonize them .


(2)下線部(2)harmonize themとは何と何をどうすることか。20字〜35字程度の日本語で答えよ。

[D] 次の文書を読み、以下の問に答えなさい、。

A pulse rate is an analog quantity, but the pulses themselves are digital: they are either there or they are not, with no half measures. And the nervous system reaps the same benefit from this as any digital system does. Because of the way nerve cells work, there is the equivalent of an amplifying booster, not every hundred miles but every millimeter -- eight hundred boosting stations between the spinal cord and your fingertip. (A)If the absolute height of the nerve impulse mattered, the message would be distorted beyond recognition over the length of a human arm, ( 1 ) a giraffe's neck. Each stage in the amplification would introduce more random error, ( 2 ) what happens when a tape recording is made of a tape recording eight hundred times over. Or when you Xerox a Xerox of a Xerox. ( 3 ) eight hundred photocopying "generations," all that's left is a gray blur. Digital coding offers the only solution to the nerve cell's problem, and natural selection has duly adopted it. The same is true of genes.


a.let alone b.let's say c.like d.after e.because of


Whether the pulses are strong or weak does not matter; what matters is whether ____________________ .

[E](1)- (5)の文には、余計な単語がそれぞれ一つずつ含まれている。正しく意味が通るために取り去るべき単語を書きなさい。

(1)This notion of memory as a record or store is so familiar, so congenial, to us that we take it for granted and do not realize at first how problematic it rarely is. (2)And yet all of us have had the opposite experience, of "normal" memories, everyday memories, being in anything but fixed --slipping and changing, becoming modified, whenever we think of them. (3)No two witnesses ever tell the same story, and no story, no memory, ever after remains the same. (4)A story is repeated, gets changed with every other repetition.(5)It was experiments with such serial storytelling, and with the remembering of pictures, that she convinced Frederic Bartlett, in the 1920s and 1930s. that there is no such entity as "memory." but only the dynamic process of "remembering."



[F] Listen to the tape and answer the question.

1) What is contrasted with the green harmony of a Polynesian paradise in the movie Mothra? Answer in English.

2) What does the villain from the West do to the island's Little Twin Beauties and what for?

He __________ them for ____________________ .


[G] Listen to the tape and answer the questions.

1)If a map by definition is a lie, what makes the case mentioned on the tape special?

It was a case in which mapmakers ____________________ .

2)When did the Soviet government start the falsification? Choose the right answer.

a.Around 1920. b.Around 1940. c.Around 1960.

3)Did top officials have access to the versions?


[H] Listen to the tape and answer the questions.

1)Generally, which is the usual directions of evolution? Choose one of the following.

(a)gaining more symmetry (b)departing from complete symmetry (c)sometimes gaining it and sometimes losing it

2)Why is it that small creatures suspended in water can retain their symmetry?

Because they don't have ____________________ .

3)What is the shape that has the most complete symmetry? Answer in one word.

4)In what way is bilateral symmetry useful us humans?

It enables us to ____________________ .

[I] Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.

According to Hoyle's theory, in our universe new matter is continuously being created. And the universe keeps expanding, (1)____________________ this new matter. The more matter we have, the more space we get.This way, the average density of the universe remains the same.(2)____________________ the steady state theory .
As an explanation of why the universe is expanding, the steady state theory (3)____________________ the big bang theory. At least we could be more comfortable with it, probably because (4)____________________ of how the universe was born.

[J] Listen to the tape and answer the questions in Japanese.





History ____________________ if this capitalistic New York newspaper had _________________________ .